Michael Mahoney - Stokesley, North Yorkshire TS9 5LD, England
1-2-1 sessions or Online sessions
Thank you for taking the time to view my details and services more closely. Please find below information about myself and practice. If there is anything that is not obvious or I can help in anyway, please do let me know.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Key Points

I have been in practice since 1986, and have been working with IBS sufferers since 1991.
I have research and patient piloting exp along with Occupational health experience based within a psychiatric hosptal.
Additionally I have corporate experience presenting stress and other masterclasses to both employees, and also staff withing primary and secondary health care environments.
While I specialsie in IBS, I have also developed health focussed audio programs for other conditions., these can be viewed at my distribution site, www.healthyaudiohypnosis.com
I offer a wide range of services for conditions of mind, body and emotion.
I specialise in Irritable Bowel Syndrome - IBS, which is at the core of my professional practice.
As an IBS sufferer, you will know that IBS symptoms are wide and varied, as wide and varied as we are individuals.
Because of the nature of IBS, I have found over the many years of working with IBS, that taking time at the initial consultation (IC) to fully understand how IBS impacts you, your life, work, relationships etc is often key to providing a treatment plan which helps you to manage and reduce the symptoms of IBS.
I believe a structured approach in key in acheiving results and my 36 years expereince confirms this.
The process if structured, having the Initial Consultation, and then 5 hypnotherapy sessions over a course of 14 - 15 weeks, so 6 sessions.
Occassionally, an extra session is required for women, if the symptoms are worse before, during or after her monthly cycle. This will be discussed in the initial consultation. However the structure of the sessions makes this rarely needed.
Offers / Fees
At the moment I have a 10% discount off a block of sessions.
Each session is £75 If you block book sessions the entire source of sessions is £405 instead of £450.
Of course, taking single sessions as we go along is fine if you prefer.
More about my Practice
In additon to my work with IBS patients, I also provided IBS Masterclass training to hypnotherapists and have done so for 20 years.
Of course I see clients and patients for other conditons of mind and body, as wide and diverse as we are individuals.
My services have been used in employee assistance programs, Occupational health settings, Medical centre staff training, and corporate counselling services.
Video - Do you live with IBS?
Thank you for looking at my information
I look forward to hearing from you - please remember I am here to help.
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