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Welcome IBS Therapists
Hello Therapist,
Thank you for taking the time to click through to this page.
Are you experienced working with IBS sufferers, if so you should read on?
So what is the IBS Register
The Short Version
This site is dedicated to achieving the best for our members, and through them, the best for our IBS patients/clients.
An international reference point for the IBS public where they can find experienced IBS therapists, and for health and medical professionals, a referal site for IBS patients.
We will be placing regular Facebook ads to increase public awareness of the IBS Register and using existing and new networks to make the medical community and other health professionals aware of the IBS Register, and its diversity of professional IBS Therapists.
In short, we will be working to get you noticed. Join today and be part of something worthwhile, and rewarding.
The Slightly longer version
I am sure you will be aware that Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a common gastrointestinal condition which has no known cure and that talking therapies such as Hypnotherapy, CBT and mindfulness have been proven to help IBS symptoms of mind and body. In addition FODMAP/Dietitians and Yoga Therapsy have been proven beneficial.
The origins of the IBS Register go back as far as 1997 as a small, local UK organisation. with some international members.
The IBS Register was mentioned in the resources section of the British Medical Association, Family Doctor
Publication, Understanding Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Which earned us credibility in the medical profession
The IBS Register was formed to provide:
A platform for experienced therapists to be found, and,
a valuable resource and sign-posting site for IBS patients.
We also provide a reference site for many in the medical profession to refer their patients.
Fast forwarding to 2022. We have finalised the implementation of improved systems and technology. We can now widen our reach and our goals. We have built on our experience allowing us to achieve the vision I had in those earlier days. That vision was to do more to help IBS sufferers, through my services and the services of other professionals who shared that ideal.
And those of you who already know me professionally, whether through my IBS Masterclasses, my IBS Audio Programs, friendships and associations, know I do things enthusiastically. And I do them right.
Join the IBS Register today, help us, to help you, and make a bigger difference to your clients and your practice.
Looking Forward
In 2023 we intend to provide subsidised IBS training to hypnotherapist members through IBS Masterclasses run by myself, to experienced hypnotherapists who want to hone their IBS patient management skills and learn a new protocol and delivery methodology.
We will also be looking at train the trainer masterclasses where enthusiastic members can apply to become Trainers in my OPSIM IBS Protocol
More to follow on that. If you are interested in being considered drop us a line.
We will also be liaising with professional training organisations to arrange IBS Masterclasses for Mindfulness and CBT therapists.
Text Entry £65.00 Per Year
- A Simple Text Listing.
- Name, Address, Website & Phone number.
- Up to 400 words to describe your services.
Pages Entry £85.00 Per Year
Section 1: Includes: Name, address, strapline, photo and seven lines of text.
Section 2: (Keypoints) Photo and seven lines of text.
Section 3: Drop-down pages (Background, Services, Prices, +1 other of your choosing). Up to 200 words in each.
Section 4: (More about my practice) Upto 600 words.
Section 5: (Video) Taken from your Youtube channel (optional).
Section 6: (Thank you) A few lines of text, and a link to a page on your website.
Featured Entry £97 Per year
Everything in the Page's membership, PLUS
Inclusion in the Featured Therapist drop-down link (at the top of the page) which connects to your full page listing
Photo, and seven lines of text. Which effectively gives two entries on the IBS Register.
These entries have limited availability.
First Step - Send your information form - Click below.
Text Entry Membership Form
Once you click and send, you will be directed to the payment page.
Pages Entry Membership
Once you click and send, you will be directed to the payment page.
Featured Entry Membership
Once you click and send, you will be directed to the payment page.