Welcome IBS therapists.
Thank you for taking the time to click through to this page. Are you experienced working with IBS sufferers, if so you should read on?
Hypnotherapists - CBT Therapists - Mindfulness
FODMAP / Dietitians. If you understand IBS and help people living with IBS - Read On!
If this is you, we want your expertise
We are looking for therapists with an excellent track record in IBS.
A note from Michael Mahoney - Clinical Hypnotherapist - IBS Register Director.
Are you a Hypnotherapist, CBT Therapist, Mindfulness Therapist or FODMAP /Dietitian with a track record of working with IBS clients/patients and getting excellent results?
Do you have a keen interest in making a difference in the lives of IBS sufferers and those around them?
Do you go the extra mile making sure you deliver your very best each time?
Are you qualified? and do you belong to a recognised association?
If you answered yes to the above questions, then you are my kind of person!
I sincerely hope by the time you finish looking at this site, you will seriously consider joining the IBS Register and help us to make a difference in the lives of IBS sufferers around the world.
Now, more than any other time I can remember, I believe that our professions have a unique opportunity to make a huge difference in the lives of so many.
I have been working with IBS sufferers since 1991 (where did those 31 years go?), I have trained thousands of hypnotherapists over the last 31 years in IBS management.
So before you look any further, I want you to know more about me, my history and how serious I am about IBS, and how that interest has shaped my practice over the last 30+ years.
Which I believe qualifies me to invite you to consider joining the IBS Register. Click below for more.
About me and my background
As mentioned previously, my name is Michael Mahoney and I have worked with IBS patients since 1991.
My services are known and respected by many within the Gastroenterology field.
My practice was full-time within GP medical centres for over 25 years, providing services to primary care and secondary care patients.
Being the author of the highly acclaimed IBS Audio Program 100 I worked closely with IBS patients. After eight years of research, development, patient piloting and a three-year follow-up the program was released in 1998.
In 2011, I received an invitation from The Lord Chamberlain to attend Queen Elizabeth's Garden Party at Buckingham Palace, by recommendation of UK Trade and Investment, in recognition of my innovative health solutions work with IBS, and also with breast cancer patients.
In 1998 my practice sponsored, co-organised, and presented at, the UK’s first ever IBS Awareness Evening at Liverpool University.
The evening brought together pharmaceutical companies, OTC suppliers, complementary therapists and medical professionals for the benefit of IBS patients.
In 2008, I took part in NHS-funded IBS trials working with,
and reported back on the progress of 20 Gastroenterologist screened, long-term refractory IBS patients who were presenting symptoms resistant to alleviation with
prescription medications.
The youngest was 9 years old and the oldest was 74.
The results delighted the funding medical practice medical team and patients alike, proving a clear reduction in symptoms and frequency of presentation of 84.3% overall.
This also validated the results of my private research and the efficacy of hypnotherapy with IBS patients.
In addition, I have:
- presented to the Annual Scientific Meeting of the
Primary Care Society in London, on my work with IBS patients.
- presented clinical evidence on the uses of Hypnotherapy with IBS patients in the National Health Service to a
Southern England NHS Priority Sub Setting Committee.
I have also attended international Digestive Disease Week and IFFGD Symposiums
2000 - 2004 provided consultancy services at the regional psychiatric hospital.
My work has been mentioned numerous times in various books and media articles.
I have been interviewed on radio shows in the UK and abroad discussing IBS matters.
I hope this short overview of some of my work with IBS over the years shows my commitment to helping IBS sufferers.
The same drive and determination will make the IBS Register the go-to site for IBS sufferers and other service users.
Let's get going, be part of something exciting, right from the start, with aims to help the IBS population and our practices too.
We are back - bigger and giving members more!
We are looking to make a positive difference to the
lives of IBS sufferers, and to provide your practice with additional IBS clients.
In this day and age, many therapists work online, seeing clients from all around the world, and just down the road, I know I do!
The advantages of technology are phenomenal, so let's use them! Benefit from membership with us and grow with us.
See the benefits of joining early section below
One indirect benefit I can personally vouch for is once your experience and success with IBS patients are recognised the patient referrals rate tends to increase, not only with IBS patients but for other conditions too.
This is largely through word of mouth and growing trust from clients, the medical profession and other health care professionals.
In these uncertain times, IBS, Stress and Anxiety (triggers of IBS) are widespread.
These lead to not only more IBS problems, but more opportunities for us to help – which, as professional therapists, we are well equipped to do.
Modern technology allows us to work with clients all over the world
Being able to work internationally these days opens up our
potential client base beyond our best estimates, and we, as therapists are in an excellent position to take full advantage of that.
We are in the caring business, but we do run businesses!
We have all studied and worked hard to be where we are, from setting out in practice to becoming seasoned practitioners. Our practice has to be not only financially viable to give us a good standard of living (after all, if you are worried and stressed your ability to help your clients and patients will be reduced).
We also need to see our practices grow in reputation and with increased revenue streams which are always welcome and nice to have, but that growth has to be planned before it delivers, and we want to be part of that growth for your practice too.
And to that aim, I am conscious of the need to make membership in the IBS Register self-funding.
And this is reflected in our membership pricing.
We can all do our calculations on what we charge per session and block of sessions, and compare them to your annual membership fees.
In almost all cases, just one additional session from just one extra client would more than recoup your annual membership with us.
Generally speaking, a course of IBS sessions is 5-7 sessions so the maths add up too.
Benefits of joining
Join today 12 months membership for as little as £65.00 Plus 3 month free!
Members can register for our 25% affiliate program. Potentially earn more than your annual membership, and much more!
The benefits of signing up early mean you can:
Take advantage of our early enrolment membership fee.
All membership levels are currently available - Featured Membership places will have limited availability later on.
Join early and your annual membership next year will remain unchanged.
*** Currently - No VAT on membership fees, saving 20% ***
We will be actively structuring the promotion of our site for our members - we do not believe in being passive!
US members - current USD / GBP exchange rates reduce your membership fees even more!
Don't miss out - we started our awareness campaign Mid May 2023
*We reserve the right to remove or amend offers without notice.
Membership Levels - Scroll down for details
Our three membership levels
A simple Text listing, which looks like the listing below
Michael Mahoney - Stokesley North Yorkshire TS9 5LD
Membership level 1 - This is a TEXT listing . £65.00 a year
Here you can list your Name (or practice name) and address, website and phone number.
You have up to 400 words to describe your services and specialisms, one of which will of course be Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Up to 400 words
www.your website here.com
Annual Full Page Membership only £85.00 per year.
membership level 2 - £85.00 per year - Look what you get for that!
Get a full page on our site, with plenty of space to explain your services, collapsable drop-downs, and a video too. Of course, you don't have to use all the space, but we've allocated it just in case.
See below to see how much space you are allocated!

Michael Mahoney - Stokesley - North Yorkshire TS9 5LD England
One to one Sessions or Online this is an amount of text to use to add a strap line
Thank you for taking the time to view my details and services more closely. Please find below information about myself and my practice. If there is anything that is not obvious or I can help in any way, please do let me know.
I look forward to hearing from you.
( Your website here )
Key Points

For more than 25 years of my 37 years in hypnotherapy practice was based within NHS GP health centres where I worked alongside the GP partners, administration staff and other health professionals. At times coordinating my services sets to provide adjuvant therapy when needed.
Background, Services and Prices
I have been in practice since 1986, and have been working with IBS sufferers since 1991.
I have research and patient piloting exp along with Occupational Health experience based within a psychiatric hospital.
Additionally, I have corporate experience presenting stress and other masterclasses to both employees and also staff within primary and secondary health care environments.
While I specialise in IBS, I have also developed health focussed audio programs for other conditions, these can be viewed at my distribution site, www.healthyaudiohypnosis.com
I offer a wide range of services for conditions of mind, body and emotion.
I specialise in Irritable Bowel Syndrome - IBS, which is at the core of my professional practice.
As an IBS sufferer, you will know that IBS symptoms are wide and varied, as wide and varied as we are individuals.
Because of the nature of IBS, I have found over the many years of working with IBS, that taking time at the initial consultation (IC) to fully understand how IBS impacts you, your life, work, relationships etc is often key to providing a treatment plan which helps you to manage and reduce the symptoms of IBS.
I believe a structured approach is a key to achieving results and my 36 years of experience confirms this.
The process is structured, having the Initial Consultation, and then 5 hypnotherapy sessions over 14 - 15 weeks, so 6 sessions.
Occasionally, an extra session is required for women, if the symptoms are worse before, during or after her monthly cycle. This will be discussed in the initial consultation. However, the structure of the sessions makes this rarely needed.
At the moment I have a 10% discount off a block of sessions.
Each session is £75 If you block book sessions the entire source of sessions is £405 instead of £450.
Of course, taking single sessions as we go along is fine if you prefer.
More about my practice
Use upto 600 words here
In addition to my hypnotherapy services, I also offer presentations to local groups and offer corporate and NHS stress management services for practice staff and company employees.
I have over 36 years in practice services, 31 of those years working with IBS sufferers, locally and around the world.
When you feel it's time to make a difference, to take those first steps to positive change, contact me, I look forward to hearing from you.
You can add a video too, we link it from your YouTube channel.
Thank you for looking at my details
For more information please go to my website by clicking the link below.
Featured Therapist Listing only £97.00 a year!
Membership Level 3
The featured therapist listing is a limited number of therapists in any one discipline.
This listing is included in the Featured Therapist drop-down link, giving great exposure!
The Featured Therapist listing includes the listing below, which then links to your full information page (Membership Level 2), effectively giving you two entries on this site.
(Sorry TEXT listings are not eligible for Featured Therapist listing)

Michael Mahoney , Stokesley, North Yorkshire TS9 5LDL, England
This is about the amount of text to put in this box without it looking cluttered.
When you use this box you are putting a BRIEF description about yourself and the services you offer.
By featuring here, you will also have visitors going to your page on this site too, which you've seen will display much more information. (60 words)
Purchase Featured Therapist Page
What if I am a multi-disciplined therapist?
We have a plan for multi-disciplined therapists too
Multiple entries discounts
We have membership rate reductions for therapist who is dual disciplined and require multiple listings.
2 x TEXT Listing - Deduct 10%
= £117 (from (130.00) saving £13.00
2 x Full pages - deduct 15%
= 144.50 (from £170) saving £25.50
2 x Feature Therapist - deduct 15%
=£164.90 (from £194.00)
saving £29.10
Interested in Affiliate Membership?
We are shortly introducing an Affiliate Program to the IBS Register - Are you interested in this?
Invite colleagues to join the IBS register and you earn 25% commission on each that joins.
Just click the link - enter your First and last name (after your name put AFF) and we will be in touch.
We will send you a link to your affiliate dashboard - it's all transparent and simple to use. Just the way we like it!